
Liberty Fitness Coaching- Join #TEAMALPHA

Apply here by filling this out so we can understand how to help you.

Click the button below to start.

Please allow up to 10mins to complete the questions!

These questions allow us to work out how this program can help.

Please be as honest and truthful as possible.

Once the application is processed, one of our coaches will contact you.


Question 1 of 10

What is your first and last name :)

Question 2 of 10

What is your age?

Question 3 of 10

Email Address:

Question 4 of 10

What's the best mobile number to reach you at?

Question 5 of 10

What's your Instagram username?

Question 6 of 10

Where are you located?

Question 7 of 10

What's your current weight? (kg's)

Question 8 of 10

Body fat percent:- Use the picture below: There are 2x questions:

1- Please state which pic best describes where you are currently at..

2- Please state what photo that most closely resembles what result you want to achieve.

Question 9 of 10

Do you have any other questions or want to tell us anything else about you?

Question 10 of 10

Working together 1-on-1 with me over a 6 or 12 month period is a premium-figure investment that comes with private zoom calls, 24/7 messenger and email support, access to my personal phone to text me, tailored solutions that fit perfectly with your unique needs, and access to my online resources whilst a LFC client.


Knowing that this program will help you to transform into the new you, this is a transformation program that will extend you life, give you a better, healthier lifestyle, and you will ultimately be a happier person. 


How ready are you to get started?


Yes, I am all in! I am excited and scared but I am in! I want the individual support to change my life..


This was a larger investment than I was thinking but if I can change my life in just 6-12 months time, it is worth it! Not sure if I can pay this in full but a payment plan is a great option!


I am not ready for this program but would love to hear of other support options that will better fit my needs!

Confirm and Submit